Did you fail your coding interview?
Software engineers view coding interviews with a mix of trepidation and excitement. From conceptual questions to pair-programming sessions, the tech world abounds in unpredictable interview styles that could make or break your job search journey. There is no one answer for what makes an ideal approach — each situation calls for its own special blend!
Interviews for engineering and development roles can be quite the challenge — at times seeming more like a test of memory than problem-solving. While standards vary from company to company, often this means having candidates demonstrate their skills by writing code on a whiteboard while speaking aloud and explaining every step taken in real time; an old but still widely used method that doesn’t always offer jobseekers or employers the best insights into each other’s abilities!
Why Coding Interviews Are Standard
Coding interviews are a controversial topic that sparks strong reactions. Stories of interview experiences range from shocking to laugh-out-loud funny, but the overall sentiment is clear: technical interviews rarely demonstrate an individual’s true proficiency in their field. So if…