Applicant Tracking Systems can be helpful

Shane Shown
4 min readDec 24, 2022
Speak to a recruiter at Nxt Level —

Who’s the first to review your resume?

Do you dream of working with one of the biggest powerhouses out there? Humans aren’t the first to see your resume at the company; it’s actually a piece of software. That’s right — up to 98% of Fortune 500 companies depend on an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to whittle down hundreds or thousands applications so recruiters won’t have too! And if algorithms don’t sound intimidating enough for you yet… remember that machines are doing most job seeking scrutiny nowadays — good luck getting through them all!

Companies using an Applicant Tracking System to ease the recruitment process isn’t a bad thing — after all, it’s much easier than flipping through hundreds of resumes! The downside is that your resume needs to be written in such a way so as not to miss any filters. So while you take care with its substance, careful plotting and planning may also become necessary if Shakespeare could have said something about this conundrum centuries ago.

The system isn’t perfect.

If a job search was an Olympic event, then keywords would be your hurdle race. ATS recruitment demands you master the art of using exact phrases in order to make it past its automated filters and land on the right desk — or else risk being lost forever. So…



Shane Shown
Shane Shown

Written by Shane Shown

Founder @ | Blogger | Sourcing Ninja | Recruiter | Ex-@Facebook, Ex-@Zillow | Consultant | Entrepreneur | Startup Junky

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